According to the calendar, it’s spring day today! Of course, nature likes to show that she doesn’t care much for our calendar, and so – naturally – it is freezing outside. But there is really no reason to despair when the Rhino Convention Centre has warm freshly roasted coffee and delectable pancakes on offer. If the aroma of roasting beans doesn’t warm you, then the scent of cinnamon will.
When you visit, step inside and take a look at John Murray’s beautiful still life portraits of cheery and bright flowers and plants – acrylic on wood – and for sale on request. It may not seem springy outside, but inside the Rhino Convention Centre is a burst of spring colours.
Besides fine café dining, the Rhino Convention Centre is open for small conferences or other gathering under COVID Level 2 regulations. We take great care to ensure that our patrons are safe, by taking all the necessary precautions. We have a number of different spaces available at great rates to suit your needs. Please feel free to contact us for a quotation.