You have arrived at the premier venue for social events in Hoedspruit. The Rhino Convention Centre is an easily accessible, well-established and much cherished facility in the heart of the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate. And oh-so gorgeous! Whether you are seeking to hire a venue, host an event or convene the members of your tribe, the Rhino Convention Centre is your first port of call. Use the menu to browse for your requirements or drop us a line!
The Tune of June
With the chilly winter wind making its appearance this past week, there is every good reason to visit the Rhino Convention Centre for a spot of warmth and comfort.
The Fever Tree Restaurant is keeping a proud Jackals & Wolf tradition alive with their offering of piping hot, cinnamon-sugar encrusted pancakes accompanied by steaming cups of coffee. Everything about this feels cosy, especially the price. The same can be said for the variety of curries, casseroles and other cuisine that is lovingly conjured into being in the Fever Tree kitchen. Breakfast, lunch and (now also) dinner offerings change throughout the week, so may you want to head over to to stay abreast of things.

“Pasta” may as well have been the Italian word for comfort. Ciao Bella Beautiful Food and its Eataly Bistro use this magical substance, and other yummy num-nums, to full effect for this purpose. In the coming weeks you may have an urge to get the old stove and oven going, and when you do, you would certainly want to have an arsenal of gourmet cooking and baking ingredients from this gem of a deli.
Italian Galettes a la Ciao Bella
Freeworld Coffee is again roasting and grinding the most selectable and delectable beans in the world for your pleasure. Moving back to its previous address (to the right of the Jackals & Wolf Hall when facing the RCC), Freeworld will soon start to offer its signature Freeworld (Lowveld) Rum to visitors. Do by all means stop by for a glimpse of the most beautiful copper still!
Need a seasonal style-up? Halim and Co. at the Big 5 Mediterranean Barber have you covered.
With the recent escalation of the COVID-19 alertness level, we are again limited in the number of people that we are allowed to host at any given time. Thankfully, we have all the protocols in place to welcome smaller groups for various activities. The current regulations allow church gatherings, dance and pilates classes to continue, as long as we stay safe and look out for each other. We wish you health and safety for this month and we look forward to seeing you at the Rhino Convention Centre!
May: We Make A Suggestion
Come to the Rhino Convention Centre!
Yup, that’s it. We strongly suggest that you visit! The Rhino Convention Centre is returning to its usual busy buzzy vibe with lots of new flavours and activities.
The FEVER TREE CAFé has expanded into the main hall (Jackals and Wolf) as FEVER TREE RESTAURANT, and they are cooking with gas! Fever Tree still serves the exquisite coffee and breakfast/lunch items that you have come to love and trust, but now also so much more. Tania brings her love of exploration to cuisine, serving up all kinds of lovely surprises from early ’til late, and we would highly recommend that you pop in. Now also open on Saturdays. Come and enjoy the beautiful art by local artist, John Murray with your meal.

FREE WORLD COFFEE has moved back into their old space, but now with the addition of FREE WORLD RUM, the first Leadwood-infused Lowveld Rum, distilled in the heart of Hoedspruit. With a gorgeous coffee roaster and a beautiful copper still, (and all the associated aromas), the shop is worth the visit even for teetotalling, caffeine-sensitive (hayi shem) patrons.
CIAO BELLA BEAUTIFUL FOOD is now also serving antipasto and other light meals as EATALY BISTRO. Now you can get all the imported and homemade flavours that you have come to love in the deli, with the added magic of preparation by real Italian mamas. You think you know Italian food…
Of course, the circle wouldn’t be complete without some exercise for balance. The Rhino Convention Centre hosts classes by two brilliant fitness instructors. KATE (0835694556) offers weekly dance classes to get and stay fit, while EVA (0825293876) offers Pilates throughout the week.
May we see you soon!
Move Yourself in March
The Rhino Convention Centre is pleased to host Pilates and Modern Dance classes throughout the week! Eva Gardiner teaches you to move gracefully through trying times, flexing with the unknowns while strengthening bones, muscles and minds.

Eva presents Pilates classes on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:30, and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 18:30-19:30.
Adult and Teen Ballet classes run from 17:15-18:30 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Mondays are for Modern Dance (for Boys and Girls) with under 12 classes at 14:30-15:00 and over 12 classes at 15:00-15:45.
For more information, and to book a space, please contact Eva directly on 0825293876.
2020 Hindsight
It is safe to say that, at this time last year, nobody had any idea what kind of year 2020 would become. This has indeed been the most challenging year that many of us have ever personally experienced, and one that has severely impacted the way in which we do business, socialise and learn. That said, we at the Rhino Convention Centre are grateful to still be able to open our doors, to welcome our wonderfully supportive Hoedspruit community.
This year has reminded us of a number of things that we should really never forget. Firstly, we have been reminded of our place in nature, and our inescapable integration with it. While we may be at the “top of the food chain”, this does not give us a license for arrogance. Nature herself is quite capable of bringing us back to size with something that is far “lower” in sophistication and intellect, should we be so silly as to think that it all revolves around us. Let’s all remember that Nature is a stickler for efficiency, and if we insist on being messy, wasteful and harmful to other species, we will not make the statistical cut. Ask mammoths. If 2021 is to be a better year, let us be better at being human – by protecting other people and species, by sharing talent and by yielding the beauty in our hearts.
Similarly, we have also been reminded that we do not live in a vacuum with respect to each other. As humans we have a very real dependency on each other in terms of resources, skills, knowledge and emotional support. Few of us can honestly claim to have survived the COVID-19 quarantine without some form of assistance from others in our community. Our modern lifestyle has almost convinced us that we are pure individuals that chart our own course across the fields of destiny. Now in hindsight, we hopefully realise that we are part of a larger whole, that supports and assists the individual in a synergistic way.
Now that we are entering a time of rest and celebration, let’s remember that we are still dealing with an infectious virus, and that we should be extra careful to protect our loved ones when we interact. As we celebrate Christmas and New Year, let’s remember that we are fortunate to be celebrating at all and that we should celebrate life itself. As we rest, let us contemplate whatever good fortune has been bestowed on us.
The Rhino Convention Centre will be closing for the Festive Season break on the 15th of December, and we will open our doors again on the 11th of January 2021. Until then we wish you a joyous festive season filled with love and gratitude!
Let it Rain!

It is October and we welcome the first summer rains with joy! The reflection in the puddles is the twinkle in Nature’s eye, and we can see the Lowveld come to life again. Songbirds chirp their relief, sheltering from raindrops under the big leaves of the wild fig.
As ever, the Rhino Convention Centre offers its human patrons shelter from the storm. Here, dry and snug, comforted by the scent of coffee and cinnamon sugar, you too can unruffle your dusty wings and have a tête-á-tête with the flock.
With COVID-19 restrictions now at a minimum, the Rhino Convention Centre is permitted to host small-to-medium sized conferences, meetings and incentives. We cater to your tastebuds, and to your budget and we do it all with care for your health. If you feel the need to get out of the city (and yes you do), we can assist with shuttles, wildlife accommodation and safari excursions to get the most out of the season.
If you are in the area and would like to stop by, our restaurant is open for our famous pancakes and toasties, complemented by our highly complimented coffee. Welcome!
Spring has Sprung!
According to the calendar, it’s spring day today! Of course, nature likes to show that she doesn’t care much for our calendar, and so – naturally – it is freezing outside. But there is really no reason to despair when the Rhino Convention Centre has warm freshly roasted coffee and delectable pancakes on offer. If the aroma of roasting beans doesn’t warm you, then the scent of cinnamon will.

When you visit, step inside and take a look at John Murray’s beautiful still life portraits of cheery and bright flowers and plants – acrylic on wood – and for sale on request. It may not seem springy outside, but inside the Rhino Convention Centre is a burst of spring colours.
Besides fine café dining, the Rhino Convention Centre is open for small conferences or other gathering under COVID Level 2 regulations. We take great care to ensure that our patrons are safe, by taking all the necessary precautions. We have a number of different spaces available at great rates to suit your needs. Please feel free to contact us for a quotation.
Leveling Up!
The recent announcement that brings South Africa to Level 2 Lockdown is great news for everyone!
Since the Level 3 announcement, the Rhino Convention Centre has been able to serve our immediate community, but with the allowance of interprovincial travel, we are pleased to again welcome our extended circle of friends!
During Level 3, we became quite proficient at maintaining precautionary measures, and have had the privilege of safely serving a number of local groups with essential meetings. Now during Level 2, we are ready for visitors from further afield.
Kindly remember that gatherings are still restricted to less than 50 people at a time. However, we have more than one venue available.
Lastly, we are ready to assist with wonderful wildlife accommodation, shuttles or other amenities that you may require during your stay.
If you are simply feeling peckish, stop by for yummy food and fine coffee! Or a fully legal frosty 😉
Back in Action!
Under the latest COVID-19 regulations, the Rhino Convention Centre can again welcome conferences of less than 50 participants. We go to great lengths to ensure compliance and safety, and have initiated an effective sanitisation regime to help to protect you when you visit.
We can again offer sit-down dining, but also make all of our meals to go. Pop in for the loveliest toasted sandwiches, filled pancakes and more! Also come and see what the oven has to offer this week, be it rusks or ginger snaps.

Note that our retailers are also all back up to speed. Come for a (long overdue) man-scaping session at the Big 5 Mediterranean Barber or pick up fine gourmet fare at Ciao Bella Deli. All of our medical and diagnostic tenants are still ready to serve. And, now as before, you get to kick off (or top off) your visit with a fine cup of Free World Coffee in the foyer.
Welcome back Hoedspruit!
Rhino Convention Centre is very much alive!
Now in Phase IV of the COVID-19 lockdown, the Rhino Convention Centre has regained some activity and will be gaining momentum as restrictions ease!

Dr. Jaco Blignaut has been there all along to help and heal (for which we are grateful), and will stay the course as your favourite GP. Note that COVID-19 symptoms should be reported telephonically and best to call in for an appointment to avoid disappointment or long waiting times on (015) 7931894. Call 084 770 1743 in case of severe emergency only.

Ciao Bella Beautiful Food is pronto/pronta to serve up the delicious food that you have been craving. Ready-to-eat meals or ingredients for your own culinary experiments are within reach. We South Africans mitsakenly use “ciao” to say “goodbye” – it really means “Hellooooo”. Answer the call.

Blue Swallow Integrity Services are still assisting with fingerprint and record clearance and background checks. Due to social distancing rules, we are not allowing lines, but contact Marie on 079 529 8880 for an appointment.
2020 – What to Expect at the RCC!

It’s a new year and a new decade and our doors are wide open to welcome you!
For 2020, our resolution is to connect more with you, in more ways than ever.
Starting where we left off last year, we will continue to have wonderfully chilled evening markets for crafts, food and light quality entertainment. We are actively expanding our crafters network and working on a variety of meal choices – and incredibly excited about both! Look out for the event notifications on our website or Facebook page and be sure to tell your friends about this interesting and relaxing time out.
The Rhino Convention Centre, is a true fulcrum for community empowerment, and in February we are proud to host hospitality workshops by Sam Training. Samkeliso and associates will teach you the fine art of towel-folding along with other hospitality and housekeeping secrets. Your attendance will also earn you a certificate of attendance to show prospective employers. We expect to host many similar life-enhancing events in 2020, and we will keep you posted right here and on Facebook.
As always, the RhinoCon will host a number of conservation focussed events this year, and we will report on these as they happen. Live music events, art exhibitions, fund raisers, cultural events and conferences are starting to dot our calendar! If you haven’t yet, please follow us on Facebook or add our website to your home screen for easy access to the best events in Hoedspruit!
We hope that 2020 is getting you as excited as we are, and our prayer is that all of our extended family (and that means you!) to have a year that is filled with variety and abundance. We expect to welcome you for work conferences, for joyous celebrations and good old togetherness. And we are looking forward to ever minute!